As a Retired US military officer, I offer my extensive background gained while performing scientific analysis at RD labs , coding simulation programs for policy decisions at the Pentagon, serving as a program manager, university professor and Operations Research branch chief. I attracted the attention of SAS Institute who hired me to create the strategy and vision for emerging analytic technology, software and data analysis. Always the optimization advocate, I do the dirty work of digging in the data to discover trends and as well as the vital communication work to share insights that drive results and support better decisions. My passion reaches across all industries, public sector and academic realms. IT analysts, thought leaders, the press and SAS customers regularly consult with me as I stay abreast on the latest trends via my leadership roles across international professional society organizations. Specialties Statistical analysis, text and data mining, simulation, SAS, optimization and spreadsheet macros. Efficient and effective allocation of money, materials, equipment, and people resources. Passionate presentor, leader, and supply chain analyst. Formulate mathematical models, interpret, synthesize large amounts of information for policy planning. read more ...
  • business intelligence
  • University Of Maryland College Park
  • University Of Washington
  • Associate Professor

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